"L' homme blanc a exclu les Noirs de leur propre société et de leur propre système économique tandis qu' il forçait les Indiens à ingurgiter ce qu' il refusait aux Noirs." Cité dans Voix Indiennes, voix américaines.Vine Deloria
Native Americans, Fighting Terrorism since 1492.
Alors que les Etats-unis vont commencer aujourd'hui les commémorations du 11 septembre à bon escient en hommage aux victimes du terrorisme fou, et à mauvais escient au regard du cataclysme provoqué par le gouvernement américain depuis 2001 un peu partout au moyen-orient.
Le terrorisme intérieur, lui, bat toujours son plein en 2016 contre le peuple originel des USA.
Va suivre maintenant un ou deux paragraphes en anglais...Mais je reprends en français après, don't go away!
First of all, I wanna make a statement in english for the Native Americans who get lost in this blog and could be front of this post by a mysterious thing called Internet.
Sorry for my french accent, and if my words are not too clear.
My english language is weak, but i'm workin' everyday.
I'm sorry because I can't speak in your own native language, I imagine that it will be long before learning this!
I'm (and a lot of french people) very sensible to your cause all along the History inside the madness of the USA.
I know your suffering, your pain and your fights, I can understand your stand and the protest against a lot of persecutions since a so much too long time. I'm so grateful to you to preserve your way of life and the land of your Granfathers as well as possible.
I don't forget what really is the Mount Rushmore, for real.
You are the original people of the land of freedom (but not for all), you are the people wo has protect the america earth during centuries before the white men coming for destroyed everything you did in this incredible country as everyone knows as United States of America.
We, the Europeans people are guilties, because we were the first white men to persecuted you, to banned you, to genocide you.
We know all the responsabilities that we have about this terrible massacre of the Indian Nation.
But we are in the 21th century, and most of european people has changed.
Sometimes, a fight goes on and wakes up the medium citizen, we are living this momentum.
We are with you against the pipeline in North Dakota and the dramatic violence used against the Native Americans. I try to help you with some writings and give Alert about your current problems.
You defend the sacred, we know it, we know why.
We are aware about that. I am.
And now, I'm gonna return to write in french, my friends, and explain your big troubles with the american gouvernment,
You got all the support as possible by us, in our community G+, we relay the message, we share, we talk, we know that your fight becomes national and worldwide.
Damn! You must continue, never give up, keep the pressure on them, don't leave your land to the federal administration, to the lobby of oil, to the vampires of the Dollar God.
You just want Clean,water and take care your homeland!
Maybe you will found a traduction for the rest of the post, who is all about the protest for Standing Rock
Here in the Blog "Le Kave se Rebiffe" (In english, it could be means the null goes in rebellion) , we have decided to give you the spotlight with our little ways, we are there, even if we are far !
Désolé pour mon anglais, Ami(e)s Kavistes, jetez-moi des pierres si ma prose anglo-saxonne était mauvaise ou incompréhensible! Et me corriger s'il y a lieu d'être, je suis quasiment certain que ce sera plein de fautes, mais je me flagellerais au comptoir un peu plus tard ;)
Je reviens dans la langue de molière pour vous ALERTER sur le génocide moderne que continuent de vivre les indiens américains en ce moment même, après les tragiques tueries au cours des deux derniers siècles que vous connaissez tous.
La compagnie "Dakota access pipeline" attaque des protestataires, qui sont sur Leurs terres, avec l'appui de mercenaires et des chiens dressés pour l'attaque afin d'évacuer avec force la tribu Sioux "renégat".
Pour nous Français, l'imaginaire indien est surtout basé sur les westerns et les massacres de masse du passé, du temps des guerres indiennes (qui en réalité étaient les guerres des blancs, des européens, premiers massacreurs devant l'éternel de la grande et belle nation indienne).
Aujourd'hui, en ce moment, les Natives se battent, et vous savez quoi?
Ils veulent juste de l'eau propre pour leurs terres.
Voici un article sur le sujet qui nous préoccupe afin d'aider la compréhension de tous et donner un complément d'information aux Kavistes.
The Largest Native American Protest In HISTORY Is Happening Right Now And YOU Need To Know About It!
Des médias français l'ont un peu évoqué aussi, toujours intéressant d'avoir le point de vue...francophone...
Remercions ici pour la traduction du post américain qui va suivre, Marilyne Chenuet, Gueuse+ efficace et diligente.
Voici le texte et avant, une vidéo pour vous mettre dans l'ambiance des débats :
"Dans le Dakota, il se passe en ce moment même la plus grande protestation de l'histoire des Natifs Américains .
Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe?
Le gouvernement américain prend le contrôle des terres amérindiennes et les forcent à permettre aux pétroliers de forer sur leurs terres et déplacer le pétrole par pipelines.
En regardant ce qui est arrivé avec le Tar Sands du Canada, nous pouvons obtenir un bon aperçu de ce à quoi la terre va ressembler après qu'ils l'aient fait.
Courant à travers une voie similaire à celle de l'ancien projet Keystone avorté, le pipeline Bakken devrait courir à travers l'aquifère Oglala et les rivières Mississippi à travers les terres autochtones souveraines.
Ce sont les plans proposés de pipelines, prendre des ressources naturelles des États-Unis et les vendre sur les marchés asiatiques et européens:
Un tribunal fédéral a annoncé mercredi qu'il se prononcera le mois prochain si vous souhaitez arrêter temporairement la construction d'un oléoduc controversé qui a suscité de grandes manifestations dans le Dakota du Nord. (NDK: et on a même laché des chiens de mercenaires sur eux)
Après une audience d'une heure, le juge James E. Boasberg dit qu'il va décider dès le 9 septembre sur la demande d'injonction des sioux de Standing Rock Tribe, déposée contre le pipeline que l'on appelle Bakken, une ligne fracturée massive de pétrole qui couperait à travers quatre états du Midwest et des centaines de cours d'eau.
"Nous sommes heureux d'avoir eu notre journée en cour aujourd'hui, et nous attendons avec impatience une décision bientôt", ont déclaré les sioux de Standing Rock Tribal au président Dave Archaumbault II. «Je crois que tous ceux qui ont assisté à l'audience aujourd'hui comprendront que la tribu cherche la justice fondamentale ici." ont-ils dit.
Les Amérindiens disent que le pipeline menace des sites sacrés et des ressources en eau potable, et qu'aucune consultation significative n'a eu lieu
. Le corps d'armée des ingénieurs est en désaccord.
Au cours de l'audience du tribunal, a indiqué l'agence de la tribu, les sioux ont refusé de faire partie du processus.
La tribu a dit qu'ils ne voulaient pas légitimer un processus défectueux et dangereux. L'entreprise de construction du pipeline, DakotaAccess, affirme que le projet est sûr et bénéficiera de la région renforcera l'indépendance énergétique. Ils ont toutefois accepté d'arrêter la construction dans cette région du Dakota du Nord jusqu'à ce que les décisions de la cour sur l'injonction soient rendues.
L'audience au tribunal vient environ un mois après la marche sioux de Standing Rock Tribe et a poursuivi la corporation sur les permis donnés à son développeur, DakotaAccess, et à construire sur une zone à peu près une demi-mile au nord de la réserve, et à travers la rivière Missouri - ainsi que d'autres voies navigables fédérales.
Mister Fragoso, le journaliste relatant les faits, continue l'article avec:
"Le pipeline Bakken est à peu près à 48 pour cent completé, ont indiqué les dirigeants de l'entreprise lors de l'audience de la cour, et la ligne est prévue pour commencer à fournir de l'huile en Janvier.
La construction se poursuit presque partout ailleurs, même si un petit groupe de propriétaires de l'Iowa a réussi à obtenir un sursis de construction des organismes de réglementation de l'Etat mercredi.
La plupart des Native Americans venus d'aussi loin que l'Arizona se sont réunis dans un rallye emballé qui a continué même après que l'audience soit terminée. Les Actrices Susan Sarandon et Shailene Woodley faisaient partie de la manifestation. Woodley, qui a été protesté dans le Dakota du Nord, est l'une des nombreuses célébrités qui ont au cours des derniers mois aidé le peuple Amérindiens pour un arrêt de la construction et l'abrogation des permis de pipeline."
"Comparable en taille au plus célèbre oléoduc (mais rejeté) Keystone XL, le pipeline Bakken est prévue pour être la plus grande ligne de pétrole sortant des champs de pétrole de Bakken du Dakota du Nord, entre en raison de la fracturation essor le plus actif de la nation. La ligne se déplacerait jusqu'à 570.000 barils de pétrole brut par jour à travers le Dakota, Iowa, et l'Illinois.
Le pipeline de près de 3,8 milliards $ est prévu pour traverser plusieurs bassins versants dans son cours sur plus de 1.150 miles.
Mis à part la menace alléguée à des sites sacrés, les critiques disent que le pipeline apporte la menace de dommages écologiques en cas de déversement sur des milliers de miles de terres agricoles fertiles, des forêts et des rivières.
Les organismes fédéraux ont déclaré que le pipeline Bakken éviterait "les habitats critiques".
La plupart (mais pas toutes) des terres affectées sont des terres agricoles, mais le projet ne court qu'à travers les zones de la faune et de grands cours d'eau comme le Mississippi et le Missouri, le plus long fleuve en Amérique du Nord.
Souhaitez-vous donner votre confiance dans le suivi des dossiers de l'Amérique relatives aux catastrophes pétrolières?
Peut-on mettre même à distance notre confiance dans le gouvernement et le secteur privé en ce qui concerne l'exécution de travaux des grands fleuves et des bassins versants?
Imaginez les possibilités de contamination de l'eau dans les zones réparties du Texas au Dakota du Nord!
Quelles sont vos pensées là maintenant?"
Alejandro Dávila Fragoso
(Note de la traductrice:Voilà ! Encore une fois, l'envahisseur s'octroie le droit d'envahir le peu de terre qu'il avait dans sa grande mansuétude daigné leur concéder à l'époque du grand massacre.
Ils n'arrêteront jamais, tant qu'un Amérindien restera debout, de s'en prendre à eux, d'une façon ou d'une autre. Ils m'écoeurent !")
Le mouvement des Native Americans du Dakota devient national!
Leonardo Di caprio (pas avare dans les luttes malgré son statut de mégastar international) a combattu cette semaine en participant à une marche de soutien à New york aux côtés des Sioux du Dakota pour stopper l'accès au pipeline qui détruira l'eau et la terre de ce peuple.
D'autres "people" aux USA se mêlent au combat et marche au en faveur des Sioux, le mouvement s'amplifie de jour en jour jusqu'à Washington DC.
Seulement, il existe pour ce peuple d'autres combats, d'autres persécutions à travers le pays de l'oncle Sam,on est loin de la fin de l'Histoire, les amérindiens n'en ont pas terminé avec l'occupant qui lui a grignoté quasiment tout son espace vital original.
Et avec les Native americans, il faut également parler de toutes les tribus vivant sur l'immense continent américain et qui vivent des heures sombres en raison de la déforestation, ou de la pollution massive arrivant dans leurs habitats.
Nous, les européens avons une responsabilité historique envers ces peuples.
Nous sommes les héritiers de funestes colons qui ont massacré allègrement ces nations.
Alors au moins, faisons-nous le relais de leur juste cause, ALERTONS!
Aujourd'hui, en 2016, la lutte indienne est face à un génocide moderne, l'arme c'est le dollar, la destruction de l'environnement, la course aux profits pétroliers, l'éradication d'un peuple en l'affamant, en l'assoiffant, en l'expropriant.
Pendant ce temps-là, une nation ancestrale se meurt, un génocide moderne.
"Voici pourquoi les nations indiennes protestent aujourd'hui.
Honnêtement, vous ne pouvez plus nous prendre grand-chose!"
Puisse la force et le courage de vos ancêtres protègent tous les guerriers pacifiques de Standing Rock! Stand for Sioux Nation! Share!
Merci aux Gueux+ qui ont contribué à l'élaboration de cet article, you're welcome!
Bonus: the french text in english:
"The white man excluded blacks from their own society and their own economic system while he forced the Indians to swallow what he refused to blacks. Quoted in Indian Voices, American Voices.Vine Deloria
Native Americans, Fighting Terrorism since 1492.
While the United States will today begin the commemorations of September 11 wisely in tribute to the victims of mad terrorism, and wrongly with regard to the cataclysm provoked by the American government since 2001 all over the Middle East.
Domestic terrorism is still in full swing in 2016 against the original people of the USA.
Now go one or two paragraphs in English ... But I resume in French after, do not go away !
First of all, I wanna make a statement in english for the Native Americans who get lost in this blog and could be front of this post by a mysterious thing called Internet.
Sorry for my french accent, and if my words are not too clear.
My english language is weak, but i'm workin' everyday.
I'm sorry because I can't speak in your own native language, I imagine that it will be long before learning this!
I'm (and a lot of french people) very sensible to your cause all along the History inside the madness of the USA.
I know your suffering, your pain and your fights, I can understand your stand and the protest against a lot of persecutions since a so much too long time. I'm so grateful to you to preserve your way of life and the land of your Granfathers as well as possible.
I don't forget what really is the Mount Rushmore, for real.
(photo : Mont Rushmore avec American Horse (chef de la tribu Lakotas Oglalas du peuple Sioux), Sitting Bull (Sioux Hunkpapa), Chef Joseph (tribu des Nez Percés) et Plenty Coups (tribu des Mountain Crows)
You are the original people of the land of freedom (but not for all), you are the people wo has protect the america earth during centuries before the white men coming for destroyed everything you did in this incredible country as everyone knows as United States of America.
We, the Europeans people are guilties, because we were the first white men to persecuted you, to banned you, to genocide you.
We know all the responsabilities that we have about this terrible massacre of the Indian Nation.
But we are in the 21th century, and most of european people has changed.
Sometimes, a fight goes on and wakes up the medium citizen, we are living this momentum.
We are with you against the pipeline in North Dakota and the dramatic violence used against the Native Americans. I try to help you with some writings and give Alert about your current problems.
You defend the sacred, we know it, we know why.
We are aware about that. I am.
And now, I'm gonna return to write in french, my friends, and explain your big troubles with the american gouvernment,
You got all the support as possible by us, in our community G+, we relay the message, we share, we talk, we know that your fight becomes national and worldwide.
Damn! You must continue, never give up, keep the pressure on them, don't leave your land to the federal administration, to the lobby of oil, to the vampires of the Dollar God.
You just want Clean,water and take care your homeland!
Maybe you will found a traduction for the rest of the post, who is all about the protest for Standing Rock.
Here in the Blog "Le Kave se Rebiffe" (In english, it could be means the null goes in rebellion) , we have decided to give you the spotlight with our little ways, we are there, even if we are far.
"Sorry for my English, Friendly Kavistes, throw me stones if my Anglo-Saxon prose was bad or incomprehensible! And correct me if there is reason to be, I am almost certain that it will be full of faults, but I would flagellate at the counter a little later ;)
I come back in the language of Molière to ALERT you on the modern genocide that the American Indians continue to live right now, after the tragic killings over the last two centuries that you all know.")
"Dakota access pipeline" is attacking protesters, who are on their lands, with the support of mercenaries and dogs trained for the attack to forcefully evacuate the "renegade" Sioux tribe.
For us French, the Indian imaginary is mainly based on the westerns and the mass massacres of the past, the time of the Indian wars (which in reality were the wars of the whites, the Europeans, first massacres before the eternal of the great and Beautiful Indian nation).
Today, at this moment, the Natives are fighting, and you know what?
They just want clean water for their land.")
Here is an article on the subject that concerns us in order to help the understanding of all and give additional information to the Kavistes.
The Largest Native American Protest In HISTORY Is Happening Right Now And YOU Need To Know About It!
French media have also mentioned it a bit, always interesting to have the point of view ... francophone ...
Thank you for the translation of the American post that follows, Marilyne Chenuet (it's Google who translated not me, not good enough, so some incoherences to be anticipated) are to , Gueuse + efficient and diligent.
Here is the text and before, a video to put you in the mood of the debates :
"In Dakota, the biggest protest in the history of the Native Americans is happening right now.
What is happening ?
The US government takes control of the Amerindian lands and forces them to allow oilers to drill on their lands and move oil through pipelines.
Looking at what happened with Canada's Tar Sands, we can get a good look at what the earth will look like after they've done it.
Running through a route similar to that of the former aborted Keystone project, the Bakken Pipeline is expected to run through the Oglala Aquifer and the Mississippi River through native sovereign lands.
These are the proposed pipeline plans, take natural resources from the US and sell them on the Asian and European markets:
A federal court Wednesday said it will rule next month if you want to temporarily stop the construction of a controversial pipeline that has sparked major protests in North Dakota. (NDK: and we even let dogs of mercenaries on them)
After a one-hour hearing, Judge James E. Boasberg said that he would decide as early as 9 September on Standing Rock Tribe's request for injunctive relief against the so-called Bakken pipeline, a line Fractured oil that would cut through four states of the Midwest and hundreds of streams.
"We are pleased to have had our day in court today, and we look forward to a decision soon," said the Standing Rock Tribal Sioux to President Dave Archaumbault II. "I believe that everyone who attended the hearing today will understand that the tribe is seeking fundamental justice here," they said.
Amerindians say the pipeline threatens sacred sites and drinking water resources, and that no meaningful consultation has taken place. The engineers' corps disagree.
During the court hearing, said the tribe agency, the Sioux refused to be part of the process.
The tribe said they did not want to legitimize a faulty and dangerous process. The pipeline construction company, DakotaAccess, says the project is safe and benefit the region will enhance energy independence. However, they agreed to stop construction in this area of North Dakota until the injunction's court decisions were rendered.
The court hearing comes about a month after the Sioux march of Standing Rock Tribe and sued the corporation on licenses given to its developer, DakotaAccess, and to build on an area roughly a half mile north of the reserve , And across the Missouri River - as well as other federal waterways.
Mister Fragoso, the journalist reporting the facts, continues the article with :
"The Bakken pipeline is roughly 48 percent completed, said company executives at the court hearing, and the line is scheduled to start supplying oil in January.
Construction continues almost everywhere else, although a small group of Iowa owners managed to get a reprieve from construction of state regulators on Wednesday.
Most Native Americans from as far away as Arizona gathered in a packed rally that continued even after the hearing was over. Actresses Susan Sarandon and Shailene Woodley were part of the event. Woodley, who was protested in North Dakota, is one of the many celebrities who have over the last few months helped the Native Americans for a stoppage of construction and repeal of pipeline permits.
"Comparable in size to the most famous pipeline (but rejected) Keystone XL, the Bakken pipeline is expected to be the largest oil line exiting the Bakken oil fields of North Dakota, enters due to the most active fracturing boom Of the nation.The line would move up to 570,000 barrels of crude oil per day across Dakota, Iowa, and Illinois.
The pipeline of nearly $ 3.8 billion is expected to cross several watersheds in its course over 1,150 miles.
Apart from the alleged threat to sacred sites, critics say the pipeline brings the threat of ecological damage in case of spills over thousands of miles of fertile farmland, forests and rivers.
Federal agencies have stated that the Bakken pipeline would avoid "critical habitat".
Most (but not all) affected land is agricultural land, but the project only runs through wildlife areas and large rivers such as Mississippi and Missouri, the longest river in North America. North.
Would you like to give your confidence in the follow-up of America's issues related to petroleum disasters?
Can we even distance our confidence in the government and the private sector in the execution of major river and watershed projects?
Imagine the possibilities of contamination of the water in the zones distributed from Texas to North Dakota!
What are your thoughts there now? "
Alejandro Dávila Fragoso"
(Translator's note : _Again, the invader grants himself the right to invade the little land he had in his great mansuetude deigned to concede to them at the time of the great massacre.
They will never stop, as long as an Amerindian stands, to attack them, one way or another. They disgust me_ ! ")
The movement of the Dakota Native Americans becomes national!
Leonardo Di Caprio (not stingy in the struggles despite his status as an international megasast) fought this week by participating in a support march in New York alongside the Dakota Sioux to stop access to the pipeline that will destroy water and Land of this people.
Other "people" in the USA mingle in the fight and march in favor of the Sioux, the movement is growing day by day until Washington DC.
But there are other battles, persecutions throughout the country of Uncle Sam, far from the end of history, the Amerindians have not finished with the occupier who Has nibbled almost all his original vital space.
And with the Native Americans, one must also speak of all the tribes living on the immense American continent and who live dark hours because of the deforestation, or the massive pollution arriving in their habitats.
We Europeans have a historic responsibility to these peoples.
We are the heirs of the disastrous settlers who massacred these nations cheerfully.
So at least let us take over their just cause, ALERT!
Today, in 2016, the Indian struggle is facing a modern genocide, the weapon is the dollar, the destruction of the environment, the race for oil profits, the eradication of a people by starving , By thirsting for it, expropriating it.
During this time, an ancestral nation is dying, a modern genocide.
Associez-vous à la Grande Nation Sioux pour arrêter le Dakota Access Pipeline
"This is why the Indian nations are protesting today.
Honestly, you can not take much more !"
May the strength and courage of your ancestors protect all the peaceful warriors of Standing Rock ! Stand for Sioux Nation! Share !
Thanks to the Gueux + who contributed to the development of this article, you're welcome !"